Working Experience

Global Logic Front-end Developer

2018 / Current

Currently working on 2 bank accounts, On the first one i'm working on a complete redesign of the homebanking. Implementing user stories, coding, doing pair programming and code reviews.

Using the following technologies: Javascript, Angular 5 / 6 , SailsJs, Sass, flexdesign for the frontend, Jasmine for unit test framework Git as source control with bitbucket Slack for support for design

And on the second bank account, Im adding new functionalities to an old homebanking and small tweaks to the design: Using the following technologies: Javascript, AngularJS Git as source control with bitbucket Slack for support

Globant Front-end Developer | Naranja Account

2017 / 2018

I was part off the new digital evolucion of naranja, in task as analysis, implementing solutions, coding and code reviews.

Using the following technologies: Javascript, AngularJS, Angular4/5, NodeJS, Sass and FlexDesign for the frontEnd, Jasmine for unit test framework Git as source control with gitlab Slack for support for design The project management implements agile methodologies like Agile with 1 week sprints.

Globant Front-end Developer | Southwest Airlines account

2015 / 2017

My duties includes requirements analysis, software implementation design, coding and code peer review with the following technologies: JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS and SASS for the frontEnd. Karma.js, Chai.js, Sinon.js and Mocha.js for unit test framework. Git as source control tool and Atlassian tools like Jira, Stash. HipChat for support. The project management implements agile methodologies like Scrum-Kanban which includes regular calls and interaction with the client.

Unisono IT Desarrollador Web

2014 / 2015

Desarrollo de proyectos en Laravel y AngularJs, soporte al cliente, solución de problemas en plataformas drupal, wordpress, php y administración de servidores.

Cerezo creativo Soporte y Desarrollo Web

2013 / 2014

Desarrollo de proyectos en wordpress, soporte al cliente, solución de problemas, modificaciones y seguridad de sitios.

Moobin Desarrollo Outsourcing


Desarrollos y soporte técnico de clientes tercerizados por la agencia E-bis.

Infinity Cloud Area de soporte IT


Soporte informático a los cliente de la empresa, cableados, redes, mantenimiento de servidores.

Stradivarius Area de soporte IT

2011 / 2012

Soporte informático, dirección de proyectos nuevos, armado y mantenimiento de servidores, redes, administración de SQL server, correos (pop3 y exchange), despliegue de software propio.


Instituto superior Santo Domingo System analyst


Instituto superior Santo Domingo Webmaster

2010 / 2012

Comcal and Object-oriented programming


Apse capacitaciones Technical English